26 Apr We’ve Won at the Transform Europe Awards!
Woo hoo! Delighted to announce we’ve won Bronze at the 2022 Transform Europe Awards, for the repositioning, and rebranding of DMA Migration in the ’Best Business Brand Evolution’ category. And while we don’t really chase awards that often, once every 11 years it seems, I must admit it’s very nice to be recognised for what you do.

DMA Migration is a professional services firm that helps organisations bring overseas talent into Australia. As a Sydney based immigration agency, they compete with global law firms, the big four consultancies, and a host of local and international players. With the onset of the global pandemic, immigration stopped, and DMA decided to invest in the brand, and come out of the blocks in pole position when the borders opened up again.
We began with a review of the sector, the target market and competitors. Many were law firms and looked like it, and those that weren’t, tried to come across as solid, dependable and trustworthy. When we focussed on DMA two aspects rose to the surface. They weren’t lawyers, and they had vast experience working in the industries they were targeting. So we developed a positioning statement that expressed an understanding of the their clients challenges, and stated the desired result at the same time. Safe Passage for Exceptional Minds.

Next we created a professional, yet colourful brandmark along with an icon that could be separated as a standalone symbol for social media. The icon is a stylised ‘M’, but also an ‘X’, representing a barrier to entry with the solid ‘M’ creating the bridge across the ‘border’. A literal visualisation of what DMA can do for their clients, and a strong identifier for the business. The image style was chosen because it was aspirational, distinctly Australian and lifestyle orientated, again, marking a departure from the traditional approach of the competitors. All of this was developed not only to differentiate, but also to appeal to the more ‘creative’ industries targeted by the organisation, with DMA standing for Digital, Media & Advertising.
If you’d like some help differentiating your business, just give us a shout, we’d love to help
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