13 Feb How to stave off climate disaster with just a few clicks.
The news from the UN last year came as a bit of a shock, to say the least. Twelve years to stave off a climate disaster. Jees! At first I was stunned, frightened, then depressed. And when the politicians either did nothing, or flat out denied the situation, I realised we’re going to have to do this ourselves.
I set my modest brain to the task, and decided that, at the very least, I could start buying my energy from a renewable source.
And then I thought, well, if everybody did that, we’d be well on our way.
So today we launch a campaign to try and encourage all of you to please, buy your electricity from a renewable source, and if you can, encourage others to do the same.
If you’re not sure how to go about it, click here for a website explaining it all very clearly. It really is simple. A couple of clicks, maybe a quick phone call, and you’re done. And after that feel free to Make The Promise. I’ll add you to the list of businesses that have made the switch to renewables, and send you a little branding pack so you can let the world know you’re on board.
Oh, and as if saving the world (OK moving towards a more sustainable future) wasn’t enough of a benefit, consider the fact that you might even save money too.
Certainly by 2020, the cost of buying your energy from a renewable source, will be LESS than the cost of buying it from a fossil fuel power plant – only a year away!
So please. Get with the program.
Make the switch, then Make the Promise.
Surely it’s the very least you could do.
Barry Scott
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